April & holy week

For the whole family. Please join us.

Messiah in the Passover

Sunday, April 6 - 5:30 PM
We will learn the connection of the Passover with Jesus Christ as seen in God's Word. Jesus, the promised Messiah of Israel and the message of His death and resurrection having the power to transform the lives of both Jews and Gentiles.

Covered-Dish Dinner.
For everyone!

Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 13 - 10:15 AM
We begin Holy Week remembering the day Jesus entered Jerusalem as Savior and King, and a large crowd gathered and placed palm branches and their cloaks at this feet shouting, "Hosanna in the highest!"

Good Friday

Tenebrae Service of Shadows - April 18 -  7:00 PM
Experience the shadows of darkness approaching Jesus' death as we face the events of the week from the triumphant  
Palm Sunday entry to His burial.

Resurrection Day - Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 20th - 10:15 AM
Join us in celebration of our Savior's resurrection that gives us a future and a hope!

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

campus events


Wednesday Evenings - Once a month
A video series and discussion around dinner just for guys.
"33 The Series" is designed to inspire and equip men

 to pursue "Authentic Manhood" as modeled by
 Jesus Christ in His 33 years on earth. 


Meet throughout the week.
Pascack Bible Church offers numerous home groups for adults.
It is never too late to join a home group. 

You are always welcome. 


Sunday Mornings 10:15 AM
Pastor Young is taking us through the book of Ruth about a young Moabite woman who is in the genealogy of Jesus being the great-grandmother of King David.  How God brings mankind into His plan of salvation through our kinsman-redeemer, Jesus. 

All welcome.
 Join us Sunday mornings!

Every Day

Join Us

Every Week

Every Day
We Meet for Prayer on Zoom

8:30-8:50 AM Sunday Morning: Morning Service
8:00 PM Sunday Evening: World Events
7:15 AM Monday-Thursday & Saturday Mornings: Praises and Practical Needs
7:00 AM Friday Morning: Missionary Focus with our Missionaries around the world
Please see the Friday Weekly Update, or call the church office for Zoom details.
Pray for our service on Sunday mornings and world events on Sunday evenings - Share your prayer needs and praises throughout the week - Pray alongside our 
Missionaries on Friday mornings. 

Every Week
We Meet In-Person & Livestream

Sundays 10:15 AM
Senior Pastor Young Ho Hwang is preaching on the book of James. During the week, we meditate on
Sunday's text with our Home Groups and through personal study, then together
 we gain a deeper understanding of the passage from Pastor Young’s teaching on Sunday morning. 

We hope to see you on Sunday morning. 
Join a Home Group during the week for enjoyable fellowship and Bible study!